Understanding the impact of cultural diversity on nursing practice

High Quality Assignment Help
4 min readMay 17, 2023


It is important to have cultural diversity to effective, high-quality care to patients with a range of beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviours is referred to as cultural competence in the nursing industry. Systems that can tailor medical care to each patient’s unique cultural and language needs are necessary for this practice. Additionally, one must be aware of the potential effects that cultural variations may have on the provision of nurses.

According to an article by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), culture has a substantial impact on attitudes and practices connected to health. The choices patients make about their own and their families’ medical care can be greatly influenced by factors including language, region, socioeconomics, gender, and education.

The ANA has recognized the following as the main sources of cultural diversity:

  • Access to healthcare and health insurance
  • Communities of colour and ethnic minorities
  • Ageing mental health
  • Bariatric/Obesity

What is culturally competent nursing care? It entails having professionals who are aware of the cultural features of their patients, either through education, training, or ideally personal experience. Depending on the patient’s ethnicity or religion, beliefs, and customs, level of bodily autonomy, and readiness to accept medical intervention, this may entail recognizing the implications, requirements, and restrictions of what the patient is willing or able to do while receiving care.

The choices that patients make regarding their own and their families medical care can be influenced by a variety of factors, including language problems, social disparities, lack of health insurance, educational possibilities, and more. To better meet the needs of all patients, nursing and the healthcare system as a whole must be culturally competent.

Understanding that some cultures may be resistant to care based on experiences and negative associations they have had with the sector can also be considered part of cultural competency.

This is valid in the community of people of colour (POC), according to McGill.

She said that there is a terrible misconception about how to treat persons of colour. According to a recent survey, 50% of pupils truly thought that black people’s skin was stronger and that we weren’t as sensitive to pain as white people. Many Black populations avoid going to the doctor because they think they won’t be treated fairly, according to this belief.

Benefits of a Diverse Nursing Workforce

A varied healthcare staff receives patient feedback. Patients sometimes feel more involved and participatory when they recognize themselves through thesing staff. persons feel more at ease and familiar when receiving care from persons who share their language, religion, or other cultural characteristics. Patients are more inclined to talk openly and trust treatment recommendations when they can relate to nurses on a personal level.

Seeing nurses from all backgrounds work together also conveys inclusivity. It informs patients that they have entered a setting where healthcare professionals will make an effort to treat them fairly despite any disparities they may have.

Diversity in Nursing Promotes a Learning Mindset

Diversity in nursing fosters a creative workplace atmosphere in addition to boosting interactions with patients. Nurses have greater possibilities to learn from their colleagues about more practical methods for dealing with different patient populations because of diversity. This encourages the growth of more culturally sensitive practices and makes it easier for nurses to exchange knowledge and adapt their patient care strategies.

The Role of Diverse Nurses in Shaping the Profession’s Future

Diverse nurses, particularly those of colour, can be crucial in determining how the nursing profession develops in the future. The success of nurses from underrepresented groups will help decide whether the healthcare industry can successfully recruit the varied nurses needed as the demand for a more diverse nursing workforce increases.

People of colour make up only 19% of the current nursing workforce, according to the most recent National Nursing Workforce Survey. However, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that 28% of the population is persons of colour. These differences result in care gaps.

Promote Diversity in Nursing

Diversity in the nursing profession can improve healthcare and promote better health fairness. People who are motivated by the chance to lessen health inequities and promote social justice should think about careers in nursing and public health. The undergraduate and graduate nursing programs at St. Catherine University is created to give graduates the knowledge and abilities necessary to provide care that is sensitive to cultural differences.

Not just in Nursing but every professional field needs to have a diverse culture to make it easier for the patient just how High-qualityassignmenthelp.com Australia’s best assignment help makes it easier for the student to submit their assignment on time and learn additional aspects.



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