Strategies for breaking down a large assignment into smaller, manageable tasks
Semester exams are almost around the corner, and the ample amount of syllabus and assignments to complete will get overwhelming for students. It’s not easy to deal with stress when you barely have time. But, completing huge tasks can be done without any stress or complications if you have the strategies to complete them. Like Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” Let’s talk about some strategies you can follow to break down large assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks.
Write down all the tasks.
One of the reasons we get overwhelmed with work is because we already think this is too much work and continue delaying it. But, once you write down and point out all the tasks you are supposed to complete and the time you have, you might realise that it’s not too much work. Pointing out all the work will help you make a plan for how to divide the work.
Break a large project into milestones.
There are different ways to break your task into milestones, like breaking it into different phrases, different categories, or different parts. The most important rule while following this method is to not think about the final project or assignment; just focus on the task. You can always make a flowchart or create a visual board to make it easier. Something similar to the given flowchart
List out the steps.
While starting with any task or assignment, we plan the steps that we need to take in order to complete it, right? Don’t worry too much about the length or shortness of the steps just yet. Simply brainstorm each stage, write it down, and follow it religiously, and your assignment will be completed in no time. And make visual flowchart to follow the pattern and not get confused on where to start, similar to the one given
Pomodoro Technique
After you have prepared a list of work and deadlines, getting distracted and not having focus can lead to unproductivity, and hence your task might not get completed. Don’t worry, there is a technique for that too: the pomodoro technique. The technique is simply divided into five steps.
- Decide on the task.
- Set an alarm or a timer for 25 minutes. In these 25 minutes, do not think about any other task but completing the one you have decided.
- After the 25 minutes, when your alarm goes off, take a small break for 5 minutes. Studying or working on a task continuously will distract and exhaust your mind.
- Repeat the cycle four times, and after the fourth one, take a long break. Your body deserves a break.
The Pomodoro technique is highly practised and will help you complete your work as well as not exhaust your body and mind.
Keep track of your task.
While preparing the list of tasks, try to estimate the amount of time each task will take and be realistic while making the list. We get carried away because of the motivation we are facing at that particular time, but create it as realistically as possible and try to maintain that. Spending too much time on one particular task can demolish the pattern of the list.
Because of goal-setting theory, microproductivity might be effective.
Goals outline and direct a student regarding what must be done and how much effort must be expended. Dividing the task into small tasks makes it easier to complete them, and when you accomplish a task, you get proud, which leads to motivation. And being motivated helps you focus, hence making it easier to complete your tasks.
Rewarding yourself
Even completing a task means going toward your goals and earning a reward. Rewarding yourself is the best way to tell yourself that you’re proud of them. This might not seem like a strategy that will help you complete your task, but trust me, rewarding yourself is also a strategy, and following this technique will always make you look forward to completing your work.
It’s hard to work on a huge assignment or project while maintaining your studies. But, why spend so much time and hard work on assignments when you can utilise that time on studying for your finals? With high quality assignment help. A team of professionals will work on your assignment while you focus on your studies. Taking on too much stress during exam time can make it difficult to maintain a calm mind while studying and performing well in exams.